In the United States, a Social Security Number (SSN) is a 9-digit number issued to citizens, permanent residents and temporary (working) non-residents by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Its primary purpose is to track individuals for taxation purposes; it is not intended to be used for identification purposes.

An SSN can only be issued to someone who:
  • Is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States
  • Has a valid job offer and/or is eligible for legal employment
Currently, SSNs are only issued to non-residents who have an employment offer. In other words, you cannot get a SSN unless you have a job. If you get an on-campus job offer and do not have an SSN, you will need a verification letter from the Office of International Programs. You will need this letter in order to apply for an SSN. Your 利记sbo supervisor will submit the SSN letter request to the Office of International Programs which will then generate the needed verification letter for you.

Some employers allow international students to start working once the application is filed although the number has not been assigned yet. Some employers do not allow this, so you must speak to your employer to find out their policy on SSNs.

Students do not need a SSN to register for classes at 利记sbo, get a driver’s license in Michigan or open a bank account.  However, landlords and utility, cable and cell phone companies may request a SSN to do a credit check to determine the amount of deposit they will require to secure housing or to activate services.  Students without a SSN may be required to pay a higher deposit payment prior to receiving service.
Please remember that the Office of International Programs cannot issue a SSN or apply for the SSN on your behalf.

Contact us:

A. Alfred Taubman Student Services Center

Adam BerryAmanda CiolekSarah Roberts
Adam Berry
Associate Director
Amanda Ciolek
International Advisor
Sarah Roberts
International Advisor